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Donate Books

Donate a Memorial Book with a custom bookplate

You may help build our collection by purchasing a Memorial Book. For a contribution of $45 or more, we will put a bookplate in a new library book to honor or commemorate a person or an event. Print our Book Tribute Form, fill it in and mail it with your check to the Morristown & Morris Township Library, One Miller Road, Morristown, New Jersey, 07960.

If you have gently used books to donate for resale, please see the Friends of the Library page for more information.


Join the Friends of the Library

The Friends of the Library is a volunteer support organization that raises money for the library primarily through book sales. They plan lectures and programs, give an annual staff and volunteer luncheon and help with special events, purchases, projects or emergencies.

Anyone may join the Friends by paying the annual dues ($15.00 dollars for an individual) that help support the Library.

To find out more about the Friends, visit the Friends of the Library page.


Support your library financially

The Morristown & Morris Township Library Foundation was established in 1983 to support the mission of the library. Since then the Foundation has raised money for two building programs, purchased a new Bookmobile and funded an online tutoring program. Those wishing to make donations can make their checks payable to the Morristown & Morris Township Library Foundation, One Miller Road, Morristown New Jersey 07960. The Foundation is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization and donations to it are tax deductible. The Foundation thanks all community members for their past, present and future support.

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