The Star-Ledger Online Access

As of February 2nd, 2025, The Star-Ledger newspaper will cease print publication and become an online-only newspaper. We offer access to the digital edition of the Star-Ledger from any location and device through NewsBank. Here’s how!

Click the button below to get started:

This will open up the Star-Ledger Collection homepage. You can also find The Star-Ledger Collection on our Research Databases page.

When you are accessing the Star-Ledger from home, you’ll be prompted to enter your Library Card Number.

Once you are on the Star-Ledger Collection page, click on the link for Image version of the newspaper to pull up the complete digital edition.

From here, you can view the past 5 days of recent issues, and view an archive of older issues as well.

Feel free to ask a librarian for any further assistance.