“Looking for America on the NJ Turnpike” Michael Rockland author event

Thursday, September 26, 2024
7:00 pm


When Angus Gillespie & Michael Rockland wrote this book, they simply wanted to express their fascination with a road that most regarded with annoyance or indifference. Little did they know that it would be listed by the NJ state library alongside works by Whitman and Fitzgerald as one of the ten best books ever written about NJ or by a New Jerseyan. A new updated & expanded edition examines how this great American motorway has changed over the years, becoming an icon inspiring singers and poets, and affecting millions of drivers and residents every year.

Rockland will also speak about the George Washington bridge, relating it to the Turnpike and transportation in NJ. Join us for a fascinating evening celebrating the wonders of New Jersey! Books will be available for purchase and signing at a discount.

Our presenter: Michael Aaron Rockland is an award-winning author & professor emeritus of American studies at Rutgers University. His many books include works of memoir, journalism & fiction, often focusing on NJ history and culture, such as the recent The Other Jersey Shore & The George Washington Bridge: Poetry in Steel (2nd ed). He is a longtime resident of Morristown.