Unattended Children and Patrons with Special Needs
Child Safety
Internet Policy
Notary Public Policy
Cell Phones
Study Rooms
Meeting Room
Collection Development Policy
DEI Statement
At the Morristown & Morris Township Library, we honor our employees’ diversity and the diversity in the community we serve by welcoming and including all persons and fostering an atmosphere of dignity and respect. We seek to work with our diverse communities to determine appropriate ways to evaluate, design, and deliver inclusive materials and services that benefit all.
Patron Policy
The Library Patron Policy outlines the acceptable and unacceptable behavior in the library. Any patron not abiding by these or other rules may be required to leave the library premises. The patron policy is posted around the building and reads as follows:
To allow all patrons of the Joint Free Public Library of Morristown & Morris Township to use its facilities, whether in-person, or through the use of the Library’s virtual programming, to the fullest extent during regularly scheduled hours, the Library Board of Trustees has adopted the following rules and regulations:
Patrons Shall:
- Engage in activities associated with the use of a public library, including reading, studying, using library materials, or participating in Library-sponsored programming.
- Respect the rights of other patrons.
Patrons Shall Not:
- Consume food or alcoholic beverages (beverages with lids or caps are permitted with caution).
- Smoke, use tobacco products, or use eCigarettes or vaping tools on any part of the Library premises.
- Be under the influence of alcohol or drugs or bring either onto Library property. Alcohol may only be consumed as part of a Library-sanctioned program.
- Engage in any illegal activity while on Library property or when participating in Library virtual programming.
- Interfere with other patrons’ use of the physical Library space or their ability to participate in the Library’s virtual programs.
- Interfere with Library employees’ performance of their duties.
- Harass or annoy others, either in person or those participating in Library virtual programs, through noisy or boisterous activities, by staring at another person with the intent to annoy that person, by following another person about the building with the intent to annoy that person, by playing audio equipment so that others can hear it, by singing or talking loudly to others or in monologues, or by behaving in a manner that can be reasonably expected to disturb others.
- Possess a weapon on Library property unless authorized by law.
- Camp on Library grounds or stash personal property anywhere on Library property. Patrons should not leave packages, backpacks, luggage, electronics, or other personal items unattended. These unattended items are subject to immediate confiscation and disposal.
- Deface or mar Library materials, equipment or property, including books, magazines, newspapers, recordings or other items of the Library collection.
- Enter the building without a shirt or shoes (patrons must wear a covering on their upper bodies and shoes or other footwear). Patrons whose bodily hygiene is offensive so as to constitute a nuisance to other patrons may be required to leave the building. Patrons participating in Library virtual programs shall also be adequately clothed.
- Bring pets or animals into the Library, other than service animals and those used for Library programming.
- Speak on cellular or mobile telephones in the Library proper but they may be used in the vestibule or outside as long as it is not disturbing others.
- Lie down or appear to be sleeping; have his or her feet on the furniture; or block aisles, exits or entrances.
Patrons with Special Needs
The Library makes every effort to make the Library accessible and enjoyable for everyone. To that end, patrons who feel they need an accommodation to make the Library reasonably accessible should speak to the Library Director. However, any patron, regardless of age, who requires assistance from a caregiver shall not be left unaccompanied in the Library.
Library Facilities and Grounds
- Patrons shall not deface, mar or in any way destroy or damage library furnishings, walls, machines, or other Library property.
- All motor vehicles, bicycles, or any kind of transportation should be parked outside the building in designated areas. Roller skates, rollerblades and skateboards may not be used in the building or on the premises. The only modes of transportation allowed inside the building are individual devices needed by patrons with physical disabilities, and baby carriages or strollers.
- Inappropriate use of Library property either in the building or on Library grounds, including misusing the restrooms for bathing, shampooing, doing laundry, or changing clothes will not be allowed.
Each patron shall be responsible for any fines, fees, or other charges due in accordance with the Library’s standard schedules. Failure to pay these fines will result in the suspension of borrowing privileges.
Any materials removed from the Library must be checked out on a valid library card or through other standard Library procedures such as inter-library loan.
Any patron not abiding by these or other rules and regulations of the Library may be required to leave the Library premises. Library employees may contact the Morristown Police if deemed advisable.
Any patron who violates these rules and regulations may be denied the privilege of access to the Library. A patron whose privileges have been denied may have the decision reviewed by the Board of Trustees.
Approved April 20, 2021
Unattended Children and Patrons with Special Needs Policy
The Joint Free Public Library of Morristown & Morris Township staff hopes that children and patrons with special needs who require the assistance of a caregiver (regardless of age) using our Library will find it a warm and inviting place to be. The happiness and safety of young children and some patrons with special needs left alone in the library is a serious concern. Left on their own these patrons often become frightened or anxious. If left unattended for any length of time when no library program is being offered, they may become bored, restless and disruptive. Therefore, the following policy has been established.
Library staff members cannot assume responsibility for the care, safety or well-being of children or patrons with special needs who require the assistance of a caregiver. Therefore parents or caregivers may not leave children under age eight or patrons with special needs who require the assistance of a caregiver unattended in any part of the Library at any time, and they are responsible for the behavior of their charges while in the Library.
Children may use a Library phone at any time to call home for a ride.
Parents and caregivers are required to be at the Library no later than five minutes before closing to pick up their charges. If no caregiver is present, the Library staff will attempt to reach the parents or guardian. At closing the Morristown Police Department will be called.
Approved 17 October 1995, revised 18 August 2020
Child Safety Policy

Internet Policy
The Joint Free Public Library of Morristown & Morris Township is pleased to offer access to the wealth of resources on the Internet. We would like to remind the users of this service that:
An Internet user must log in with his/her own personal library card or computer card number. Using any other card number will result in the loss of Internet privileges.
Some or all of the resources may be unavailable at any time for technical reasons over which the library has no control.
Library personnel have no control over the quality of information on the Internet. Each user must consider the validity and reliability of the information found.
Parents or guardians, NOT the library or its staff, are responsible for Internet information selected and/or accessed by their children. Some materials may be offensive, disturbing and/or illegal. Library personnel do not monitor or supervise Internet access, except for the length of time of use.
Library computers may not be used to access chat rooms.
Users must log off before leaving a computer.
The library reserves the right to end an Internet session.
Notary Public Policy
- The Morristown & Morris Township Library offers free Notary Public services.
- Customers seeking Notary Service should call the Library at 973-538-6161 prior to their visit to ensure the Notary is available.
- Notary Service is not guaranteed.
- Notary Services are a courtesy provided by the Library and not the Notary’s primary duty; therefore, the notary may ask the person(s) to wait while the Notary attends to a patron at the desk, takes a telephone call or tends to other library matters.
- Notaries cannot provide legal advice or counseling regarding your documents.
- Notary Service is provided on a first-come, first-serve basis.
- Valid government –issued photo identification is required of any customer seeking Notary Service
- Notary Service is limited to three (3) documents per person per day.
- The Notary will only attest to documents signed in his/her presence.
- The person who will sign the document must be sure that the document is completely filled out, leaving no blanks other than where the customer will sign the document, before appearing before the Notary. Library Notaries may not notarize any document with blank spaces.
- Although the notary cannot attest to true copies of passports, drivers licenses, etc., the notary will issue a notarized Affidavit of True Copy which places the responsibility on the person making the copy. Please be aware should you require a true copy of a birth, death or marriage certificate with a raised seal, these official copies must come from the appropriate agency.
- Documents in any other language other than English will not be notarized at this facility.
- Notary Service is NOT available for Deeds, Mortgages, Wills, Living Wills, Living Trusts, Codicils or Depositions, as these types of documents can require technical or legal knowledge that is beyond the scope of this free service.
- In situations where a witness is required the Library will not provide witnesses and witnesses may not be solicited from customers using the Library. In order to serve as a witness, the witness must personally know the individual whose document is being notarized and must be in possession of valid photo identification.
- New Jersey Law requires that a Notary and the customer seeking notarization be able to communicate directly with each other. The Library Notary is not permitted to make use of a translator to communicate with a Notary Service customer.
- In accordance with New Jersey Notarial Law, Notaries will not provide service if the customer, document or circumstances of the request for Notary Service raise any issue of authenticity, ambiguity, doubt, or uncertainty for the Library. In this event, the Library Notary may at his/her sole discretion, decline to provide Notary Service.
- The Library provides Notary Service in accordance with New Jersey Notary Public Manual, published by the New Jersey Department of the Treasury; Division of Revenue; Business and Support Services; Notary Section. This manual is available on the Division of Revenue’s website.
- Library Notaries may decline to provide notary service in situations that do not comply with the provisions of this manual.
Passed by The Board of Trustees 6/19/12
Privacy Policy
The confidentiality of library records is assured in N.J.S.18A:73-43.2:
The Board of Trustees of the Joint Free Public Library of Morristown and Morris Township believes that it is the basic right of its patrons to read, view and listen to what they wish without fear of censure or legal consequences. The Board also affirms the right of its Patrons to privacy.
The library will take reasonable steps to protect each user’s right to privacy with respect to private information acquired from its Patrons including, but not limited to name, address, information sought or retrieved , and materials consulted, borrowed or acquired. Records whether in paper or digital format containing such information will only be made available in three specific instances.
- When the records are necessary for the proper operation of the Library,
- When disclosure is requested by the patron; and
- When disclosure is required pursuant to a subpoena issued by a court or court order.
Cell Phones
Patrons must turn cell phones to vibrate or off while in the library. If necessary, patrons may speak quietly on cell phones in the hallway by the elevator.
Smoking or the use of smokeless tobacco products is prohibited anywhere inside or on the grounds of the Joint Free Public Library of Morristown and Morris Township. For the purpose of this policy, “smoking “ means the burning of , inhaling from, exhaling the smoke from , or the possession of a lighted cigar, cigarette, pipe or any other matter or substance which contains tobacco or any other matter that can be smoked. “Smokeless tobacco products” shall include, but not be limited to chew, pouches, and any form of tobacco that promotes spitting. “Library grounds” shall include all property, including but not limited to the walkways, unpaved areas, driveways and alcoves.
Any officer or employee of the Library may enforce this policy. When necessary, employees are encouraged to request the assistance of the Police department to enforce compliance with the policy.
Violations of this policy may result in warnings, banning from the premises, penalties and criminal prosecution in addition to the penalties available under the Smoke-free Air Act.
If any provision or application of this policy shall be held invalid, such invalidity shall pertain only to that specific provision or application, and shall not affect the other provisions of this ordinance which can be given effect without the invalid provision or application.
Study Room Policy
Policy Summary
The Morristown & Morris Township Library has Group Study Rooms (GSRs). Groups of two or more persons who intend to use the room for collaborative study and research have priority (“Priority Groups”). Other individuals may use the GSRs when not in use by a Priority Group. GSRs will be locked when not in use. All users, with or without an advance reservation, must check in with a staff person, who will arrange to unlock a GSR. GSRs will be available for use from Library opening to up to 15 minutes before closing. Inclement weather and other circumstances may affect the hours the Library is open.
General Policies:
- All users must register at a public staff desk (Reference, Readers’ Advisory, or Children’s) or by using the online form before use.
- If a GSR is not reserved or in use by a Priority Group, it is open on a first come, first served basis. Individuals not in a Priority Group who are using a GSR must vacate the room upon the start of a reservation or at the request of a Priority Group.
- Use of the GSRs is limited to two hours per day. However, if the rooms are not reserved, users may continue using the room until a new user requests use.
- All established Library policies and rules apply.
- Food is prohibited, though beverages with a lid are permitted.
- GSRs must be left in the condition in which they were found. Destruction or defacement of Library property will not be tolerated and the room user will be required to bear the cost of any damage to the GSR. If a user notices damage upon entering a room, it should be immediately reported to a staff member.
- Loud or disturbing noise or behavior will not be permitted.
- If used, all Library materials must be returned to the departments from which they came.
- The Library is not responsible for personal items left in a GSRs.
- GSRs may not be used for making art or other projects using glue, paint, glitter, permanent markers, etc.
- Children under the 9th Grade Level may use a GSR only when accompanied by a person 18 or older.
- Quiet mobile phone use or conference calling/teleconferencing/virtual meetings may take place in the GSR so long as it is not a disturbance to other patrons in the Library; headphones are required.
Reservation Policy:
- GSRs may be reserved in-person, by telephone or using the online form
with either:
(a) a valid full-service library card in good standing from the Morristown & Morris Township Library;
(b) a Main Library card (Main Library Alliance)
(c) a valid, state-issued, photo ID; or
(d) a valid, school-issued photo ID - To reserve a GSR the following must be provided:
(a) the full name of the person reserving the room,
(b) their MMT or Main library card number or valid state-issued (or school-issued) photo ID number,
(c) the telephone number of the person reserving the room, and
(d) the number of people in the group. - Reservations may be made for groups only (two or more persons).
- Reservations may be made for a maximum of two hours per day.
- GSRs may be reserved two weeks in advance from the date of the reservation.
- The person who reserves the room will be held financially responsible for any damage to the room and furnishings. In the case where a minor reserves a GSR and one or more adults are present, those adults will be held responsible for any damage. In all other cases where a minor reserves a GSR, the minor’s parent or legal guardian will be held responsible for any damage.
- Reservations will be forfeited if not claimed within 15 minutes of the reservation time.
- The person reserving the GSR must occupy the room at all times.
- Only one person in a group may reserve a GSR for the same day. A different person from the same group cannot make a reservation for the same day in order to avoid the two-hour limit per day.
The above policy was formulated to foster the equitable use of these GSRs for all. Since no policy can anticipate all circumstances, the Library reserves the right to refuse a reservation request, deny access, or remove any user of a GSR.
(revised 2/15/22)
Meeting Room Policy
Proctoring Policy
- The Morristown & Morris Township Library provides proctoring services free of charge
for most types of continuing, distance or career education exams and tests. This service is
available to all patrons. It is the student’s responsibility to read and understand the
Library policy below. - Proctoring is done by librarians in the Reference & Adult Services only.
- Exam proctoring times should be scheduled at least two weeks in advance. A longer
advance period may be necessary if a student wishes to take an exam in the evening or on
a weekend. - Exams must be taken during regular library hours. Exams may begin 15 minutes after
opening and must be completed one half hour before closing. - It is the student’s responsibility to make sure that the proctor has received the exam
before the test date and that the Library fills all of their educational institution’s
requirements for their exam procedures. - Students must bring with them all necessary materials required by their educational
institution to complete exams. The Library will not provide any test-taking materials. - Students are responsible for ensuring that the Library’s computers are adequate for their
online exam needs. No software or settings may be changed or added to the Library’s
computers in order to complete an exam. Students are encouraged to schedule any test
requiring technology in advance in the event of a problem with equipment. - Proctors do not directly supervise students for the entire length of the test.
- Completed written exams will be placed with the Library’s outgoing United States Postal
Service mail only. Postage costs and materials are the responsibility of the student. - The Library does not keep copies of completed exams.
- The Library will try to the best of its ability to fulfill all requests, but cannot guarantee
test proctoring services.
(Approved by the Board of Trustees April 18, 2023)
Collection Development Policy
The Collection Development Policy serves as a guide for Library patrons and staff alike on the principles and processes involved in maintaining our Library collections. The Morristown & Morris Township Library’s collection serves the educational, recreational, and leisure needs of the community. At the same time, the collection reflects the racial, ethnic, cultural, and political diversity of the populations we service. Usage and customer demand are the most important influences on the Library’s collection.
The purpose of the Collection Development Plan is to provide the community and the Library staff with a document that informs and supports the development of Library collections. The plan is a flexible guide to collection development activities. The plan defines the nature and scope of Library collections, establishes collection priorities that will correct weaknesses and maintain strengths, and sets standards for the inclusion and exclusion of resources.
Please click here to view the full collection development policy.