Baseball Fantasy Camp

Wednesday, April 26, 2023
7:00 pm


11 older men in baseball and manager uniformsJoin us in the Meeting Room on the Lower Level to hear two old guys paint a vivid portrait of baseball fantasy camps based on their own humorous and sometimes sublime camp experiences. Jerry has been to St. Louis Cardinals fantasy camp (see photo) and Pitch has been to 6 New York Yankees fantasy camps.

This is NOT a talk about Fantasy Baseball where fans create their own teams. Baseball fantasy camps are real-life events that give the adult baseball fan the opportunity to experience life as a major leaguer for a week. During this time “campers” will meet and play real baseball with ex-Major League stars. Camp amenities also include access to professional trainers, clubhouse staffs, meals, and travel, just like a real MLB player would have. This talk will describe the fun camp experience that goes beyond just playing baseball and meeting major league players. Not just for baseball fans, also for anyone who likes to listen to fantastic adventure yarns.

Our presenters: Jerry Miccolis worked as a fiscal consultant on Wall Street and is primarily responsible for the financial losses in your retirement portfolio. Pitch Mirabelle has been retired for two years. Prior to that he was unemployed and working for food.