Decoding the Mysteries of Cat Behavior

Monday, September 20, 2021
7:00 pm


Why does your cat do what it does?  Cat owners are frequently baffled by the antics of their feline friends and cats can seem so much more mysterious than dogs and other pets. Interested in learning why your cat licks walls or has an obsession with your shower curtain?  Join us for a Zoom program on Monday, September 20 at 7pm by feline behaviorist Stephen Quandt.  He will teach us about the evolutionary and adaptive forces which influence the behavior of our modern-day pet cats and answer questions from attendees.  Please send an email to for the Zoom code.  This program is co-presented by the Long Hill, Rockaway and Bernardsville Libraries.

Our speaker:  Stephen Quandt has been working with cats since 2002.  He has previously worked with the Animal Care Centers of NYC and the ASPCA and now has a private practice assisting pet owners with their cat behavior needs.