Virtual Morning Book Club: “Circe”

Thursday, January 14, 2021
10:00 am

It’s back!
Our Morning Book Club had to go on hiatus during the pandemic, and even though the Library is not open for in-person programming yet, we’re taking the book club online. Our next meetup will be on Thursday, January 14, 2020, at 10am, featuring the book Circe by Madeline Miller. This multiple award-winning tale of the ancient goddess is sure to spark interesting conversation!
How do you attend online, you may ask? We are using Zoom for this meeting, which can be used via telephone or through the Zoom app, which you can download from their website or from your preferred devices App store.
To attend this book club, please email, and include in your email your full name and town of residence to receive the access code and link to the meeting.
If you have difficulty downloading the app, you can email our reference desk for help at