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Gone But Not Forgotten: Marion Orr Harris, a friend of the North Jersey History and Genealogy Center

The Morristown and Morris Township Library and its North Jersey History and Genealogy Center is saddened to learn of the passing of Marion Ohr Harris. Marion generously provided financial support of numerous history and genealogy programs and services for quite some time. She also routinely donated historic preservation and genealogy newsletters from a wide number of societies from across the region. As a retiree, Marion compiled “Genealogy Gleanings”, highlights from the many genealogy newsletters and websites she keenly read, for The Morris Area Genealogy Society and gave The North Jersey History and Genealogy Center copies.

Marion also organized and co-sponsored with the library a lecture series titled, Protecting Natural and Historic Places during the spring and summer of 2016, which culminated in a day long symposium at Morristown National Historical Park’s Washington’s Headquarters Museum, titled Industrial History of Northwest New Jersey. Then in 2019 she sponsored a “Break Through Your Brick Walls” day at the library at which genealogists could meet one on one with professional genealogists for tips.

The staff of The Morristown and Morris Township Library, especially The North Jersey History and Genealogy Center, will be forever grateful for Marion’s support and offer our heartfelt condolences to her son David.

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