Book of the Day: A Glasshouse of Stars

Wednesday, October 27, 2021
All Day


Meixing Lim and her family have arrived at the New House in the New Land. Her parents inherited the home form First Uncle, who died tragically and unexpectedly while picking oranges in the backyard. Ma Ma likes to remind Meixing that the family never could have afforded to move here otherwise, so she should be thankful for this opportunity. Everything is vast and unknown to Meisxing in this supposedly wonderful place. She is embarrassed by her secondhand clothing, has trouble understanding her peers, and is finding it hard to make new friends. Meixing’s only solace is a run-down greenhouse that her uncle called his glasshouse at the far end of her backyard, which inexplicably holds the sun and the moon and the secrets of her memory and imagination. When her fragile universe is rocked by tragedy, it will take all of Meixing’s resilience and bravery to finally find her place of belonging in this new world.