Book of the Day: Frankie & Bug

Wednesday, January 19, 2022
All Day


It’s all summer, and all ten-year-old Bug wants to do is go to the beach with her older brother and hang out with the locals–just like they have for the last two years. But now Danny wants his space, and Bug is stuck hanging out with their neighbor Phillip’s nephew Frankie, who has come for a visit. Bug thinks it’s a little weird that Phillip hasn’t met Frankie before, but when she discovers that Frankie is also fascinated by the Midnight Marauder–a criminal on the loose in the L.A. area–she realizes that it might not be so bad after all. Determined to catch the attacker, Frankie and Bug spend their days looking for clues, mapping out the marauder’s movements, and even staking out a mysterious neighbor. But when violence strikes close to home and lands Phillip in the hospital, all of that is forgotten as the pair struggles to figure out who would want to hurt Phillip-and why. With their focus turned inward, old secrets and new truths start to bubble to the surface, teaching Frankie and Bug some important lessons about what makes a family, about being your true self, and about how to navigate in a world that’s not always just or fair.