Book of the Day: Golden Girl

Wednesday, May 25, 2022
All Day


Seventh grader Aafiyah Qamar loves playing tennis, reading Weird but True! facts, and hanging out with her best friends, Zaina. however, Aafiyah has a bad habit that troubles her–she’s drawn to pretty things and can’t help but occasionally “borrow” them. But when her father is falsely accused of a crime he hasn’t committed and gets taken in by authorities, Aafiyah knows she needs to do something to help. When she brainstorms a way to bring her father back, she turns to her Weird but True! facts and devises the perfect plan. But what if her plan means giving in to her bad habit, the one she’s been trying to stop? Aafiyah wants to reunite her family but finds that maybe her plan isn’t so perfect after all. Award-winning author Reem Faruqi delivers a heartfelt, soul-searching coming of age story that will leave readers with laughter, hope, and lessons learned.