MMT now offers library cardholders access to “The Shelf”

What is The Shelf?

The Shelf is a streaming service that provides Spanish-language multimedia entertainment exclusively to patrons with active library cards.

How to start enjoying The Shelf?

Click CREATE NEW ACCOUNT in the Login section.
Enter your e-mail address and create a password.
Choose your country from the drop-down menu and then your library.
Enter your library card number, your last name, and first name.
Last, agree with terms and conditions.
After your information is verified, you will receive an email stating that your account is active. You can
now access
Remember that you must select your library each time you log in.
This service uses tickets, which are required to view the content. Each patron will receive several
free tickets that can be used to view the contents that require them. These tickets will be
renewed automatically at a frequency determined by your library.

Content types and tickets usage
TICKETS are required to view the MOVIES and PERFORMING ARTS contents. When you register, your
library will give you several free tickets that you can use to view the contents that require them. These
tickets will be renewed automatically at a frequency determined by your library.
You will have unlimited access to all of the other contents on the platform.