Dauntless Crusaders: The Spectacular Women of Morristown

Wednesday, October 23, 2024
7:00 pm


Please join us for our upcoming program celebrating the women who have shaped the history of Morristown. Presenter Kate McCabe will discuss local women who composed symphonies, chronicled the creation of the United Nations, and fought for better living conditions for Morristown families. While there won’t be time to discuss all of the important women in Morristown’s history, there will be an opportunity after the talk to share stories of your own favorite ‘Dauntless Crusaders.’

Kate McCabe grew up in Morristown and graduated from Morristown High School before earning a BA from Brown University and a Master’s in American Studies from Columbia University. She recently retired from a career as an educator, having spent nearly twenty years in the classroom and several more as a high school principal. She has presented at conferences hosted by the New Jersey Principals and Supervisors Association, the New Jersey School Boards Association, and the National Council for the Social Studies.


Pictured above: Ruth Cheney Streeter

Pictured above (Beatrice Jenkins)