8: Rediscovering Life After a Brain Tumor

Author Nathalie Jacob holding her child and her book and smiling.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
7:00 pm


Nathalie Jacob held a high-level job as a marketing executive and was discussing beginning a family with her husband when the doctors gave her the bad news: she needed brain surgery. When she woke up in the hospital, Nathalie was partially blind and couldn’t read or write. The only number she recognized was eight. The book “8 – Rediscovering Life after a Brain Tumor”, is a story of perseverance and courage and shows the strength you can find in the darkest of circumstances. While Nathalie’s journey was long and arduous, she shows us the hope that inspired her to keep moving forward. Our Speaker: Nathalie Jacob was raised in Colombia, went to high school in France, and later moved to the US. She is married to husband Simon Gilbert and has a two-year-old Daughter Nicole.

Nathalie studied business administration at the Universidad de los Andes in Colombia and received her Master’s in business administration from IE Business School in Spain. She spent ten years working in high-level marketing jobs for Fortune 500 companies in five different countries. In her spare time, she enjoys sailing and has won national championships.