Teen Volunteers

We have reached our in-house volunteer capacity. We will continue to accept applications and applicants will be placed on a wait list.

If you are interested in providing YA book reviews, please reach out to the YA Librarian at abigail.hsu@mmt.mainlib.org.

Volunteer opportunities are available for teens between the ages of 13 & 18 (or those in grades 7 through 12). To become a teen volunteer, please fill out an application available at the Children’s Desk. You will be contacted by the Teen Librarian by the end of the season your application was received and invited in to discuss available opportunities. Volunteer tasks may include, but are not limited to:

  • Helping with craft preparation in the Children’s Room
  • Sorting and shelving books in the juvenile and teen collections
  • Providing book suggestions and reviews for the Book Nook

You’ll gain important job experience, community services hours and a reference for job applications -essentially you’ll get back what you put in!  We ask that parents allow their teenagers to schedule volunteer hours and communicate with the library themselves as this responsibility is an important part of the volunteer process.

Interested teens, please fill out this application and return it to the Children’s Desk.