North Jersey History & Genealogy Center

Our Collections

The Caroline Foster North Jersey History and Genealogy Center is a research collection of books, newspapers and magazines, photographs, ephemera, posters, maps, and archives & manuscript collections, that document New Jersey and Morris County life and history. We also have a large collection of published local histories and genealogies for the east coast.

Our phone: 973-538-3473
Please email us at for more information.

Research materials at the CRFNJHGC:

Special Collections:

  • Rare books, including material dating from the mid sixteenth century, with select fragments from the late fifteenth century.
  • The Tomlinson Civil War Book Collection: a collection of approximately 1,000 volumes of Civil War research material donated by Norman B. Tomlinson, Jr., supplemented by additional items in the History Center.
  • Works by and about New Jersey artists and writers: Thomas Nast, Bret Harte,
    Homer Davenport, Dorothy Kunhardt,
    John DePol, Michael Aaron Rockland,
    Arthur Burdett Frost, Frank Stockton,
    Annette Hanna, Nathaniel Parker Willis,
    Lucille Hobbie, Lee Wyndham,
    Shirley Stockman,
    Frank Waller, Grant Wright