Friends of Foote’s Pond Wood Won the Morris Park Alliance Environmental/Conservation Award!

Adjacent to Thomas Jefferson Elementary School is the 24-acre Foote’s Pond Wood park. The Friends of Foote’s Pond Wood (FoFPW) is ” a welcoming, grassroots group dedicated to the care and preservation of Foote’s Pond Wood.” Recently, the FoFPW was

Trending Events

The events listed in the newsletter, as well as great, upcoming ones that couldn’t fit, are below! [tribe_events view=”list” category=”newsletter-feature” tribe-bar=”false”]

Spine Poetry: Opening Day!

This week’s Spine Poetry is nothing short of a home run! “I Live for This! Opening Day, Peanuts and Crackerjack, The Game, Baseball.” Hopefully your Opening Day predictions come true! Let’s go!